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0 thoughts on “Classes

  1. Oh my gosh Donna! What serendipitous timing you have. I just published an article about gratitude for the ability to “see.” In the years since I first met you, I have discovered my call. It is photography and it brings me a depth of joy I have not experienced before. Thank you for the part you played in my journey of discovery. And here is a California Sister for you. 🙂

    • Ruth Ellen, thanks for coming to visit my new website. I look forward to sharing more each week on Psyche’s Call and the various portals to access her from within!

      • Hi Linda! Thanks for your interest in Psyche’s Call. There is a place to sign up for my email and receive daily Psyche’s Call Writing Prompts, great for inspiration and opening portals of imagination. I also have a link for general email…Blessings, D

    • Thank you Tatiana! Will look forward to your feedback on the book. I welcome you to come back here often as I continue to grow this website. Blessings, D

  2. Oh, Donna – this is just so delicious!!! I love the color palette you’ve chosen, your gorgeous header, and the warm welcoming message…. it’s just YOU through and through!!! <3 deb

  3. I love your daily writing prompts..your classes stimulate deep work that bubbles up in the writing and art prompts. Heeding Psyche’s Call is to listen to the messages that come from allow and not to judge and to find joy in every moment, task and breath.